Jones Hand Crank Sewing Machine Serial Numbers


Jones originally in or around 1880 started with a simply numeric list of serial numbers for all their machines. Whilst they continued this one numeric list it is possible to approximately date a machine. Jones in their wisdom started several different numeric and alpha-numeric serial number runs after 1935.


Jones Family C.S. 5155 An early example of the Jones Family C. Machine probably manufacturered in 1894. It has the Patent number 6668 and Patent date March 29th 1893 stamped on the front slide plate. Locate the Sewing Machine Serial Number. All sewing machines – even vintage models – have serial numbers imprinted on them. Usually, the serial number is located somewhere on small plate on the front panel of the machine. Once you have located the serial number, jot them down.

Exterminate it keygen 2 12 inches


The firm was renamed as the Jones Sewing Machine Co. Ltd and was later acquired by Brother Industries of Japan, in 1968. The Jones name still appeared on the machines till the late 1980s. The Jones patent for his popular Serpent Neck model appeared in 1879. These were manufactured until 1909. Jones Family CS sewing machine, had the serial number located on the top right hand side of the bed until 1953 circa. See also Jones CB machines Jones FCS # C-657.395.

  • 1Jones Sewing Machine Company

Jones Sewing Machine Company

Guide Bridge, Lancashire, England

Jones Model A RS (Reciprocating Shuttle) Machines

Jones Model B RS (Reciprocating Shuttle) Machines

Jones Model C RS (Reciprocating Shuttle) Machines

Jones Hand RS (Reciprocating Shuttle) Machines

Jones Family TS (Transverse Shuttle) Machines


Jones Medium TS (Transverse Shuttle) Machines

Jones Spool Rotary Machines

Jones Family CS (Cylinder Shuttle) Machines

Jones Medium CS (Cylinder Shuttle) Machines

Jones CB (Central Bobbin) Machines

Jones No.35 Machines

Jones D53 Machines

This model was introduced in 1953. It's really a Jones Family CS in a modern, chunky 1950s shape. The red edge to the Jones gold logo is unusual, normally 'Jones' is in plain gold.

Jones Popular Machines

Jones D59 Machines

Jones D63 Consort VS Machines

Serial Number 3F117375 (number under front slide plate).

Jones Hand Crank Sewing Machine

'Sews forwards and reverse, hems, gathers, inserts zips, quilts, stylish two tone finish, light weight base, smart carry case, hand or electric models available, takes attachments, simple to use, TV suppressed, guaranteed'. (Note the flimsy bobbin winder).

Jones Hand Crank Sewing Machine Serial Numbers Explained

Tale of despereaux ebook.

Jones Model C (Central Bobbin) Machines

Jones D65 Machines

New Hand Crank Sewing Machine

Jones D68 Machines

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